суббота, 26 сентября 2015 г.

"Culture in a Changing World" was the theme of the XVI Russian-Finnish online

Russian President Vladimir Putin sends greetings to participants and guests of the XVI Russian-Finnish Cultural Forum. The head of state expects that the event will promote the development of friendly relations and mutual understanding between citizens of the two states.
"The theme of this forum -" Culture in a Changing World "- is highly relevant and versatile. You will discuss a wide range of issues related to the preservation of the rich spiritual heritage, original traditions and customs of our people in terms of accelerating scientific and technological progress, think about establishing new and effective forms of international cooperation in the humanitarian sphere ", - the message says, published on the Kremlin website.

Putin said that a half decades of the forum has proved its significance and relevance as an effective mechanism for dialogue between representatives of government departments, regional and local authorities, non-governmental agencies, as well as creative groups, research centers and educational institutions of Russia and Finland. He took an important place in the cultural and social life of both countries.
"I hope that your cooperation will promote the development of relations of friendship and good neighborliness, traditionally linking Russia and Finland, will strengthen mutual confidence and understanding between the citizens of our countries", - the president wished the forum participants fruitful discussions and all the best.


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