вторник, 29 сентября 2015 г.

Sculptures by Barbara Leoniak remind stopped a moment: it seems that the abstract "snapshots" of human faces hover in the air. They are made of continuous strips of white cardboard, impregnated with resin. One gets the feeling that they wrapped around the face, and then mysteriously removed, it does not deform and are frozen in time and space.

суббота, 26 сентября 2015 г.

Glowing installation

Rome, Italy
One of the seven hills of Rome - Palatine, now not only adorn historic monuments. Among the ancient ruins emerged mysteriously shimmering installation.
The team of French artists set 256 spherical lamps in the arena Circus Maximus. Wire is not used. The entire system is subordinate Xia remote commands.
Comes the night, and one of the most popular attractions of Rome is filled with light, and then - and music. The latter was for some young viewers a complete surprise and a little frightened.
But in general, travelers to the Romans and tourists luminous installation, apparently liking.
The event - part of the summer festival of the Roman Estate Romana («Estate Romana"). The festivities begin in the second half of June and lasts until the end of September.
During this period, parks, museums, historical sites, or simply the street becomes a venue for various cultural events. Hosts concerts, plays, dance performances and film screenings.
Glowing installation mounted on the Palatine Hill for two days.


Nice Mediterranean ballet on the stage of the Mikhailovsky Theatre.

Nice Mediterranean ballet on the stage of the Mikhailovsky Theatre. In his only speech in St. Petersburg French company showed four one-act plays. Ballet under the direction of Eric Wu Ana has prepared the audience a vivid mixture of classical and modern ballet.

The program is presented full range of possibilities of the troupe. Act ballet Balanchine's "Concerto Barocco" to the music of Bach fully comply with the choreographer a creative dream - "see the music and hear the dance." "Rhapsody" the music of Rachmaninoff remembered not only the choreography, but also light design. In "Adazhietto" room applauded complex support and in the ballet "Trojan Games" attended acrobatics.


In the US begins a tour of the Mariinsky Theatre

In the US begins a tour of the Mariinsky Theatre. Even today, on the stage of the Center for the Arts' Segerstrom "in the Californian city of Costa Mesa, will be shown" Raymonda "by Alexander Glazunov.

This trёhaktny ballet is not as well known in the US as "Raymonda Variations", choreographed by Balanchine. Classical formulation by Marius Petipa revised version by Konstantin Sergeyev, a California audience will appreciate for the first time. And the residents of Berkeley and Los Angeles will see the ballet "Cinderella", staged by Alexei Ratmansky. Twice in the title role in the stage is prima of the Mariinsky ballet troupe - Diana Vishneva. The tour will last until 11 October, all the performances will take place under the baton of the Mariinsky Theatre Gavriel Heine.


Theater of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko goes on tour in China

The troupe of the Moscow Musical Theater of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko on Thursday sent to Tianjin, where the September 27 performance of the ballet troupe of the theater will begin touring in China. Chinese audiences will show two ballets - "Cinderella" and "Esmeralda". Performances will take place at the Bolshoi Theatre in Tianjin. After performances of the ballet, which hung on October 1 the turn of the Opera Musical Theatre. Performances will be held from 23 to 30 October. Viewers will see "Carmen" and "Force of Destiny".

"This is our sixth tour in Tianjin, - said General Director of the theater Ara Karapetyan. - We opened the Grand Theatre in Tianjin, which is a multifunctional cultural center. Our troupe perform on this stage every year. Last season we presented to the Chinese audience a large-scale staging of Prokofiev's opera" War and the world ", and this time in Tianjin sent to ballet, opera and orchestra of the theater - a huge team of 400 people. The tour repertoire defined the inviting party. The Chinese public is always very welcome we accept. There is already a proposal for next year to bring the opera Mussorgsky's" Khovanshchina ".

According to the director, at the Bolshoi Theatre in Tianjin are the major theaters, including the Bolshoi and the Mariinsky. Chinese audiences are not very accustomed to the European opera, but is experiencing a great interest in these productions.

27 and 28 September the Chinese audience will see Sergei Prokofiev's ballet "Cinderella," written on the famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault. Staged by Oleg Vinogradov relate to choreographic classics of the twentieth century. Together with the artist Valery Leventhal choreographer has created a real fairy tale, the performance of good, love and beauty.

On September 30 and October 1 in Tianjin will be performed ballet "Esmeralda" directed by Vladimir Burmeister music Pugni, Glier, Vasil. Bright literary foundation, catchy music and excellence choreographer makes the "Esmeralda" wonderful creation of choreographic art.

Touring Opera Company will begin on October 23 showing one of the world's most popular operas - "Carmen" by Georges Bizet, inspired by the novel Merimee. This work occupies a special place in the history of the theater, on the stage that first created the opera performance on the product of one of the founders of the theater Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko in 1923. Home Staging Musical Theatre director Alexander Titel, which is seen in Tianjin, is already 16 years, causing the constant interest of viewers.

28 and 30 October, Russian artists will perform Giuseppe Verdi's opera "The Force of Destiny", which the composer wrote for Russia. The premiere took place at the Bolshoi Stone Theatre in St. Petersburg in 1862. The Chinese audience will see an opera staged by Georgy Isahakyan, who heads the Children's Musical Theatre of Natalia Sats.


Novosibirsk theater presented in Bangkok reading classic "Swan Lake"

Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre to a full house in Bangkok today introduced the classic interpretation of the ballet "Swan Lake" to the music of Pyotr Tchaikovsky staged by Marius Petipa.

"Our theater is coming here on tour for the fourth time. The local public is always very warm welcomes Russian classics, which has enjoyed great success here," - said the chief specialist of the International Theatre Vladimir Pasternak.

Ballet "Swan Lake" went into the festival poster for the annual International Dance and Music in Bangkok. "Novosibirsk Theatre took the highest number of performances in this festival, which is very nice. As far as I know, almost all the tickets for four performances sold out," - says Pasternak.

Theaters of Russia did not come to Bangkok for a few years, but this year the Russian ballet and opera classics given to one of the central Bangkok festival. "Swan Lake" festival goers will be able to see twice. Theatre of Western Siberia are also present the ballet "La Bayadere" to music by Ludwig Minkus, will give a gala concert of classical ballet, which will include one-act ballets, such as "Paquita" and "Carmen".
The first International Festival of Dance and Music in Bangkok was held in 1999 in honor of the King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej. Today, this parade is held under the patronage of the monarch's eldest daughter - Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, who personally participated in the selection of artists for the show, and also attends many performances.

The festival began in the capital of Thailand, September 11 and will last until 18 October, bringing together artists from Russia, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, China, Czech Republic, France.

Star of world opera Sandrine Pio made in the metropolitan Philharmonic

The stars of world opera in Moscow again. The first subscription concert of the Metropolitan Philharmonic performed Frenchwoman Sandrine Pio. This singer is considered one of the main baroque soprano. On her repertoire jokingly say, "from Bach to Offenbach," and about her modesty, and the complete absence of vanity legends. In Moscow, Sandrine Pio arrived for the first time, as well as conductor Jerome Correa, who stood in the evening for control of the State Academic Chamber Orchestra of Russia.

The newspaper "Le Figaro" opera singer once called Sandrine Pio antidivoy - for the complete absence of star and arrogance. Her and are only interested in the music. Not giving a value of external effects, the French have always had full houses.

The first part is dedicated Sandrine Vivaldi. Opera arias "Farnak" and "Griselda" and, suddenly, - Aria Kandache of the same name, almost unknown opera composer of the struggle for the throne of the Pharaohs.

The main baroque soprano - the so-called Sandrine France. The singer likes to alternate between arias. Mild Suzanne of "The Marriage of Figaro" by Mozart to the heroic "Alcina" by Handel (German composer wrote the opera in Italian).

"Performed by Handel. Of course, this jewel of the Baroque era. Mozart, who was between this era and the new. For me, a surprise of your orchestra. Usually modern bands have little idea of ​​what the Baroque music. We just worked together, "- says opera singer, soprano Sandrine Pio.

Conducted by musicians from the Chamber Orchestra of Russia Jerome Correa. For everyone - individual attention.

"Stunning returns the orchestra - says Jerome Correa. - They understand that the Baroque music - it's fantastic. We are not just a game, and try to trace the connection between the baroque and classical music. What happened in the world of music to Beethoven and Haydn. "

Sandrine herself Pio once studied at the harpist at the Paris Conservatoire. Vocal only dealt further. It was then an opera singer at her and saw the conductor and harpsichordist William Christie. A nice coincidence - an instrument that is specially purchased a year ago for performance Christi in Moscow now accompany most Sandrine.


Festival of street pianos will take place in Moscow and Sochi

In Russia, the first time a festival of street piano. It will be held in two cities - in Moscow and Sochi. In the capital, four musical instrument will be placed in the central urban areas from 25 to 28 September. And on 2 October the festival will arrive in Sochi.

Review street piano originated in Europe in 2008 and has already managed to conquer America, Brazil and China.

According to the organizing committee of the event, in Sochi for the keys of musical instruments, placed in the open air will be able to sit not only well-known musicians, but everyone. "The festival will remind people about the presence of art in everyday life, will awaken interest in it, and the music," - said the representative of the organizing committee.

According to him, the artists drew up the piano - Anna Brochet, Valery Chtak Ivan Aces and Natasha Yudina. Forthcoming concerts from mainstream jazz and classical to contemporary classical music.


"Culture in a Changing World" was the theme of the XVI Russian-Finnish online

Russian President Vladimir Putin sends greetings to participants and guests of the XVI Russian-Finnish Cultural Forum. The head of state expects that the event will promote the development of friendly relations and mutual understanding between citizens of the two states.
"The theme of this forum -" Culture in a Changing World "- is highly relevant and versatile. You will discuss a wide range of issues related to the preservation of the rich spiritual heritage, original traditions and customs of our people in terms of accelerating scientific and technological progress, think about establishing new and effective forms of international cooperation in the humanitarian sphere ", - the message says, published on the Kremlin website.

Putin said that a half decades of the forum has proved its significance and relevance as an effective mechanism for dialogue between representatives of government departments, regional and local authorities, non-governmental agencies, as well as creative groups, research centers and educational institutions of Russia and Finland. He took an important place in the cultural and social life of both countries.
"I hope that your cooperation will promote the development of relations of friendship and good neighborliness, traditionally linking Russia and Finland, will strengthen mutual confidence and understanding between the citizens of our countries", - the president wished the forum participants fruitful discussions and all the best.


The mystery of Mona Lisa may have uncovered. Italian researchers believe they have discovered the remains of a woman who was depicted in a painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

According to one version, the artist posed Lisa Gherardini - the wife of Florentine merchant Francesco del Giocondo. Archaeologists looking for her grave in the convent where she spent the last years of his life. During the family crypt was opened family Giocondo. While it is known only that the remains of one of the women buried in it relate to the period when she lived and Lisa Gherardini. But to say that this is it, the scientists are not ready. Existing methods of analysis is not possible to determine with absolute precision.


At the World Universal Exhibition "Expo-2015" started today in Milan Music Festival "Viva Russia".

The program opened Nizhny Novgorod provincial orchestra. Then, in the Russian pavilion will perform folk groups from various regions of Russia, including - Northern Russian Folk Choir from Arkhangelsk and Russian folk instruments ensemble from Tambov.
Colorful and exotic Festival will add days Buryat culture, which will introduce visitors to the traditions of the region, where the culture of the people connected to Asia and Europe. "In this culture reflects the customs of nomadic civilization, northern forest hunters and the peoples of Europe", - noted in the opening days. The great interest of visitors caused the famous Buryat sculptor Dashi Namdakova of the Russian pavilion.
Here, a photo exhibition by Anton Lange "Russia through a train window" - one of the most ambitious projects in the history of Russian photography. His pictures captured virtually all of Russia - from the most southern point of it to the Arctic Circle.
The culmination of the festival will be a concert of the State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble Igor Moiseyev, which will be held in an open concert venue EXPO-2015 September 27.
