суббота, 12 декабря 2015 г.

The artist draws a sand

Unusual pictures created with no plans and sketches of a material that lends itself to easy wind. American artist Joe Mangrum more than eight years draws unique works of Art of colored sand on the streets of the city.
Sea Cornell: hyper-realistic paintings by American artist

Hyper-realistic paintings by Matthew Cornell carry peace and harmony, looking at them to mind small cozy town, parks, lake, field trips and, of course, the sea. And the sea is not bright blue like a magazine cover, and the most burning, deep, colorful and mysterious, is what we really used to see him.

вторник, 8 декабря 2015 г.

Paper microbiology Rogan Brown (Rogan Brown)

American artist Rogan Brown (Rogan Brown) successfully combines his work art and science, using a laser cutting all kinds of replicas of micro-organisms, corals, and other pathogens.
Magic autumn forest in photos Janek Sedlar (Janek Sedlar)

There is nothing better than to take a walk in the autumn woods, gather your thoughts and dream a little. Navigate between the tranquility of the red and yellow carpet of leaves. All it really is like a fairy tale.

Thanks to the young Czech landscape photographer Janek Sedlar (Janek Sedlar), we and you have the opportunity to virtually walk through the beautiful forests in various parts of the world. Surprisingly, but the author did not plan to become a photographer. He is self-taught. Initially, Janek studied ceramics and not even thinking about photography. In the difficult period of his life, he ran from the Czech in the protected area, taking with him only a backpack and a camera. Walking through the woods Moravia, Janek repeatedly faced with such beauty that can not be described in words. Here and handy camera.

воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

                    Galactic journey

Future travels all over the galaxy involve many risks. The space can happen anywhere.

Adam Byrne (Adam Burn) - conceptual artist from the UK. Like many other contemporary illustrators, Bern began to draw even from an early age. Finishing the graduating class, the British knew exactly what to do in the future. Adam now has 7 years of experience in the field of digital art. Freelance artist over the years managed to collaborate with many video game developers, such as Games Workshop, Fantasy Flight Games, Taitale Studios, etc.

Naked Science presents you with a selection of bright futuristic work of Adam Bern.

суббота, 14 ноября 2015 г.


There are 3 periods of Hellenism as a whole system: 1) 334-281 years. Don. SEs formation of the empire of Alexander the Great and its disintegration as a result of wars Diadochi; 2) 280 BC. SEs in the middle of the II. Don. SEs maturity of Hellenism developed in the last century of existence. 3) Mid-II in. Don. e. - 30 BC - The period of the decline of Hellenism, and of his death.
Relief - a kind of fine art, one of the main types of sculpture, in which everything depicted is created by volumes protruding above the plane of the background. It is performed with the use of abbreviations in the long term, usually seen frontally. The relief is so opposed to the round sculpture. Figure or ornamental image is performed on the plane of stone, clay, metal, wood with the help of modeling, carving and embossing.
Depending on the application different architectural reliefs (on the pediments, friezes, plates).
Types of relief:
Bas (fr. Bas-relief - a low profile) - a kind of sculpture, in which a convex image appears above the plane of the background, as a rule, no more than half the volume.
High relief (fr. Haut-relief - high relief) - a kind of sculpture, in which a convex image appears above the plane of the background for more than half of the volume.
Kontrrelefy (from the Latin. Contra - against, and "relief") - in-depth view of the relief, which is a "negative" bas-relief. It is used in the press and in the forms (matrices) to create a bas-relief and intaglios.
Koylanaglif (or en creux (ankrё)) - in-depth view of the relief, ie carved on a plane contour. Mainly used in the architecture of ancient Egypt and in ancient and antique glyptics.

When an artist from Ohio Dennis Voitkevich decided to paint fruit, he withdrew his still lifes to the next level, before that we see only in photos. Particular attention Dennis pays the inside of the fruit seeds, veins, flesh translucency and smooth color change. Dennis draws them coarsely using oil and canvas.

среда, 11 ноября 2015 г.

Bright and juicy picture with the oriental flavor of the artist from Togliatti

Art gallery Salamova Bayram - a holiday that is always with us. Master native of Azerbaijan, and his paintings, filled with the sun - is a real hymn to the culture of this wonderful country. Colourful and colorful, they carry away to an exotic world, born of imagination of the author!

A variety of images and luxurious palette of colors - that's what distinguishes the work of the master, whose work has been repeatedly appreciated by both the international exhibitions and in our country (Bayram - a member of the Artists Union of Russia). Bayram Salamov received art education in Baku, and in 1990 moved to Togliatti, where up to now. Here he opened an art studio, which often holds exhibitions of his works and paintings emerging artists, organizes workshops to work on mosaics and hand-weaving (on these kinds of arts and crafts Bayramov works in tandem with the skilled worker Anna Yekimova).

Interestingly, Bajram often experimenting with painting in his studio, some of them it can build upon over time, so that regular visitors are often surprised when the story suddenly transformed, and on the web there are new items or characters.

воскресенье, 8 ноября 2015 г.

Works Kris Kuksi really fascinating, but some such magic may seem akin to a hypnotic sight of the rabbit on a boa constrictor. In the words of Chris, it shows all the hidden fears of mankind

The Italian sculptor Peter Demets a simple bit of endless inspiration and breathes life into wooden sculptures. He does it so skillfully that each figure can be seen even small folds of clothing.

Las Lajas Sanctuary - one of the most visited temples in Colombia. Unique neo-Gothic cathedral, built directly on the bridge.

пятница, 6 ноября 2015 г.

As Koreans won gloom and mediocrity in the rainy season.

The group of South Korean designers found a way to deal with the gloomy overcast day: they painted the road in Seoul so that the image is visible only in the rain.

Nine unusual exercise for the development of original thinking and creativity

In 1936, American writer Dorothy Brando in his book «Wake Up and Live» («Wake up and live") offered some fun exercise for the brain to help you make your mind sharper and flexible. These exercises are designed to get you out of your usual environment, show a different perspective (even a different reality, if you like) and create a situation that will require ingenuity and creative solution.

1. Spend 1 hour a day without saying anything, only answering direct questions, in its normal environment, without creating the impression that you are offended or not in the mood. Behave normally as possible. Do not make any comments, and do not give in to attempts to extract from the information you need.

2. After 30 minutes a day to think of one single subject, without being distracted any more on that. You can start with five minutes.

3. 15 minutes a day keep a dialogue without using the words "I, me, mine."

4. Stay on the doorstep of any crowded room and thoughtfully evaluate its size.

5. Allow to your new friend spoke only about himself, not allowing him to realize it. Polite questions return it to the mainstream mutual conversation so that he did not feel negative.

6. Try to talk only about themselves, without boasting, without complaining and without forcing interviewees to miss.

7. Make a strict plan for two hours a day and clearly follow the plan.

8. Set a 12 random tasks, such as: walk 20 kilometers away from home without any special equipment; 12:00 to go without food; breakfast in the most unexpected and the wrong place, you can find; to say nothing all day except for answers to questions; stay up all night and work.

9. During the day, say "yes" to all questions and suggestions (within reason)

These exercises may seem silly and useless, but in reality they can make your life a lot and get to know yourself better.

понедельник, 2 ноября 2015 г.

American master Paul Stankard is considered one of the classics of modern paperweight glass - they are so elaborate that it is possible to believe that flowers and stones really get inside naturally.

Installation «LIGHT is TIME» from the Japanese watch company «CITIZEN» is 80 thousand gold dials, "falling" from the ceiling like rain.

Artist Gediminas Pranckevicius.

The world built on the laws of the universe that are completely different from the laws by which the planet Earth lives.

Eccentric Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama (Yayoi Kusama) showed its new installation. It is called "Infinite mirror room". This space, hung with hundreds of multicolored diodes with mirrors on the perimeter.

вторник, 27 октября 2015 г.

Seals by Makoto Muramatsu

Japanese artist Makoto Muramatsu (Makoto Muramatsu) is known worldwide for cats, which can be found in any part of the Internet (usually on the avatar). These cats with what can not be confused - although Muramatsu exaggerate their features, but they are extremely full of life.
Interestingly, and whether the artist knows that the Russian-speaking countries, it is quite understandable enthusiasm for cats, because he has such a cat's name

Mattotti Lorenzo (Lorenzo Mattotti) - the famous Italian painter, illustrator, director and screenwriter.

Mattotti received architectural education, but decided to devote his life to the creation of comic books. Today, the artist is one of the main representatives of the independent art movement.

Lorenzo works adorned the cover of such magazines like "Vogue", "The New Yorker", "Le Monde" and "Vanity Fair", and comic books and illustrated children's books of his drawings are sold worldwide.

Sir John Maler Collier (January 27, 1850 - 11 April 1934) - English painter, one of the representatives of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.

воскресенье, 25 октября 2015 г.

German photographer Markus Brunetti recently held an exhibition facades, where he introduced the audience with the details of the facades of European Gothic cathedrals. Marcus 10 years collecting the collection, a trip to Europe.

Among boring urban developments (Mechelen, Belgium) Work Bart Smits (Bart Smeets aka Smates) looks like a real breath of fresh air. The entire height of a 4-storey building painted Bart diving under water puppy look that radiates joy and delight.

23-year-old student from China's Wang Yue (Wang Yue) draws in fractures and cracks tree bark good pictures. Natural flaws and inconspicuous place, by which we are going through every day, paying no attention, she transforms into works of art.

вторник, 20 октября 2015 г.

четверг, 15 октября 2015 г.

суббота, 10 октября 2015 г.

California glassblower Lauren Stump fantasizes technique Murrine, creating a truly unique things. This trend originated in the Middle East about 4,000 years ago. His method is to create color images or patterns.

Gustav Klimt

Klimt Gustav (1862-1918), the famous Austrian painter. One of the most outstanding representatives of Art Nouveau. Born in a suburb of Vienna in the family of artist-engraver. He graduated from the Vienna School of Decorative Arts. The early work of the artist consisted mainly of large murals for theaters and were written in a naturalistic style. The paintings depicting allegorical figures, Klimt executed in the 1890-1891 on the arches of a large staircase in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, the first appearance of the features that have become fundamental to his work - a clear silhouette and the tendency to ornamentalism. After 1898, the work of Gustav Klimt, becoming more decorative, symbolic aspect.
Gustav Klimt was the leader of the Viennese avant-garde turn of the century. Being primarily a painter-decorator, Klimt led the Viennese community of artists and innovators "Secession" - the protest movement against the aesthetic conservatism and moralism of the previous generation. Best of Klimt paintings considered later portraits of the artist, with their flat, unshaded surfaces, translucent, mosaic colors and forms, and sinuous, florid lines and patterns. Klimt's paintings combine two opposing forces; on the one hand - it thirst absolute freedom in the image of objects resulting from game ornamental shapes. These paintings of the painter are actually symbolic and must be viewed in the context of symbolism as an expression of the unattainable world standing above time and reality. On the other hand - this is the power of perception of nature and of nature, which mitigates the impact of ornamental splendor in the paintings of Gustav Klimt. Among the most delightful works of the artist - a panel for "Burgtheater" in Vienna (1888), a series of mosaic murals in Pallas Stoclet, rich private mansion in Brussels. By the end of his life in 1917, Klimt won full official recognition, becoming an honorary professor at the Vienna and Munich Academy of Fine Arts.
Gustav Klimt painting "The Kiss". On the flower field of ornament and abstract forms grows silhouette kissing couple. The coloring of the painting is dominated by gold-tone interspersed with spots of bright wildflowers and rich pattern clothes. The erotic nature of the scene impart sensual lines, lush ornamental and spicy flavor - a symbol of luxury and decadence. This style is often called the Art Nouveau style. Klimt wrote a large number of portraits, mainly of women, as well as mythological and allegorical compositions. Sketches of applied art and mosaics Gustav Klimt's enjoyed great success, however, created by the artist murals for the University of Vienna caused a scandal and were deemed art critics early twentieth century "pornographic." Gustav Klimt died in 1918.

четверг, 8 октября 2015 г.

Interesting pattern creates a young artist from China Chen Yingjie (aka: Hua Tunan). Hua Tung lives in the coastal city of Foshan and works in the style of street art. The artist explores new ways of trying to combine Western style graffiti with traditional Chinese elements and methods, including ink painting, drum rhythms and a variety of cultural symbols. His paintings are bright saturated like small explosions on the canvas.

The illustrator from Poland Kozhenivska Magdalena (Magdalena Korzeniewska) draws amazing pictures using a gel pen and his own rich imagination. The main inspiration for illustrator is her favorite images from the world of literature, legends and fairy tales. Fantasy and surrealism - is that it stimulates the imagination of most. The main feature of this comparison works Magdalena honesty and darkness, of purity and the grotesque, and the grim theme of her paintings is smoothed soothing and meditative beauty of nature.

Young photo artist Noel Oswald creates strikingly soulful black and white surrealist self-portraits

вторник, 6 октября 2015 г.

Singaporean artist Lim Ji Wei, creative under the pseudonym Limzy, created a series of photo illustrations - watercolor drawings decorated with flower petals.

Israeli photographer Josh Adamski gained international fame for his abstract images whose style he calls fotoimpressionizmom. Combining stunning panoramas and digital processing, each frame Josh turns into a work of art.

Flora merges with the fauna in a single intricate whole, so unusual figures born Mrozik Christina (Christina Mrozik). It creates a wonderful illustration, filling the chaotic world of nature uporyadochnennym surrealism

суббота, 3 октября 2015 г.

Elizabeth Gadd - twenty photographer from Canada. She grew close to the beautiful forests, hills, mountains and ocean. Therefore, its very cool pictures she manages to convey a world in which man and nature are one

The annual parade is held in the town of Zundert, which is known as the birthplace and childhood outstanding artist Vincent Van Gogh. Actually, it was this man, and dedicated to the parade. Sometimes, only partially. And sometimes, like this year, in its entirety.

четверг, 1 октября 2015 г.

Australian artist Elspeth McLean and his interest in colored stones colored dots

The State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, the second largest city in Russia, ranked sixth in the list of the best museums in the world in 2015 - was published Tuesday in the tourist site TripAdvisor.

Twenty-five winners were chosen from among 591 museums in the world according to TripAdvisor. Metropolitan Museum in New York, won the first place.

Other museums are included in the top 10 are Orsay in Paris, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Prado in Madrid, the Louvre in Paris, the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, London National Gallery, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Vasa in Stockholm and the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.

Hermitage Museum and Winter Palace, former residence of Russian emperors, was counted among the best in Russia, and then go to the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow and the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, they have the world's largest collection of Russian art.

Gothic - period in the development of medieval art in Western, Central and Eastern Europe, partly from the XII to XV-XVI century. Gothic replaced the Romanesque style, gradually replacing it. The term "Gothic" is most often used to a certain style of architecture, which can be summarized as "eerily majestic." But gothic covers almost all the works of art of this period: sculptures, paintings, book miniatures, stained glass, murals and many others.

Gothic was born in the middle of the XII century in northern France, in the XIII century, it spread to the territory of modern Germany, Austria, Spain, England, the Czech Republic. In Italy Gothic penetrated later, with great difficulty and the strong transformation that led to the emergence of "Italian Gothic". At the end of the XIV century Europe embraced the so-called International Gothic. In Eastern Europe the Gothic penetrated later and stayed there a little longer - until the XVI century.